Family Life Sharathons are the primary method of raising the financial support needed to operate the ministry over a six-month period. Sharathons take place as a live, on-air event over a four-day period where announcers share how God works through the various arms of ministry, popular music artists and program hosts are interviewed, and uplifting music is played.
Family Life is in existence for the sole purpose of impacting lives with the message of hope found in Jesus Christ!
How has Family Life impacted lives with the Message of Hope?
“I think Family Life is absolutely amazing. Every Song, every word has been so encouraging and uplifting. I can’t thank the Lord enough for how he’s used Family Life to reach our area and the surrounding areas”
“I do nothing but listen to Family Life! You have prayed for me and I absolutely love you!”
“I’ve listened to Family Life for several years and it’s the only station I have on my radio.”
“We are so thankful for the Family Life ministry! This station helps to lift me and connect me to the Rock of which I need everyday.”
“Family Life has given me what I’ve needed to get through hard times in my life.”
“I’ve been listening to Family Life every single day since I was a child. The day just feels empty if I don’t start my day with Family Life.”
Sharathon Activities

Drive-Thru Chicken BBQ
Family Life’s Drive Thru Chicken BBQ will be held in conjunction with the Spring Sharathon on Friday, April 12 from 3-7pm! Come to Family Life for some of Nick’s famous Chicken BBQ, salt potatoes, baked beans, a roll with butter and a bottle of water – all for only $13! You can purchase sodas and desserts for an additional $1 each. Those who come to the Chicken BBQ can be eligible to win Family Life prizes!

Family Life Virtual 5k
Join us for the Family Life virtual 5k which will be held in conjunction with Family Life’s Spring Sharathon as the ministry raises support to cover operating expenses for the next six months. You can register online and receive a packet in the mail with your race shirt and race number! Participants of all ages can run, walk, jog, on their own, at any time between when they register and April 12.
For 67 years, Family Life has sought to lift the name of Jesus high while using a variety of means to do that.
Want to Listen right now? Listen Online!
We can not do what we do without the support of our listeners. We want to thank you ahead of time for all of your support and for listening to our Sharathon!