Family Life’s goal is to be able to complete all the necessary site work in the coming weeks so that construction can begin next year. To do this, we are asking the Lord to provide the extra $1,000,000 needed to “Prepare the Way!”
Prepare the Way!
Most likely, you have had at least one experience in your life where you had a plan, a vision, or a desire to move forward with what you thought was exactly what the Lord had in store for you. But then you hit a roadblock and you began to question what was happening. You thought you had everything figured out, but your plan came to a complete stop. And then you started to question what God was doing and rethinking your interpretation of His direction. Then you discovered that the Lord was leading in a different way that would require even more faith, more trust, and more reliance upon Him.
If I am describing an instance that has happened sometime in your life, then you can completely identify with what Family Life has gone through over the past year regarding our new building project in the Corning area. A year ago, this past November, we were devastated to learn that the Zoning Board in the town where the building is to be located, turned down our request to move forward. Though we had received unanimous approval from the Town a few years earlier, Family Life was surprised to learn that new approvals would be required after demolition of the existing building was completed. The project came to a complete halt, and even though the Lord had miraculously opened every door up to that point, questions began to flood our minds as to what to do next.
I am sure that the Old Testament character Nehemiah must have gone through some of those same questions and doubts when he experienced conflict when trying to complete his vision of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. But the Lord had a plan, as He always does, even though that plan can be more costly, more time consuming, and even more strenuous. It is His way of saying, “Trust Me!”Ultimately, both the Town Planning and Zoning Boards approved a new site plan for Family Life’s project. As you can imagine, there was a lot of excitement to be able to move forward once again. However, in order to obtain these approvals, the building location had to be moved to another location on the property. Such a move has become very costly with additional gravel needing to be trucked in, heavy equipment moving more earth at the site, and updated engineering and architectural plans having to be finalized. The extra expense of this move will be in the neighborhood of $1,000,000!
At first blush, one might question “is it worth it?” But if we truly trust in the Lord with all our hearts and know that this is His assignment for Family Life to construct a facility that will bear much fruit for His glory, then we know that our all-powerful God will once again provide! And He will use His people (YOU!) to reveal His majesty and provision.
Family Life’s goal is to be able to complete all the necessary site work in the coming weeks so that construction can begin next year. To do this, we are asking the Lord to provide the extra $1,000,000 needed to “Prepare the Way!” A few years ago, during the pandemic, God’s people had generously given the funds needed to finish all the site work for the original plan. But now with this move of the building location, your help is once again needed.
The Lord blesses His people in various ways so that we in turn can follow His prompting to financially support His work that happens around the world. As you consider your ability to step out in faith with your year-end giving, would you prayerfully help Family Life complete the final site work, readying the project for actual construction in the coming year? Your tax-deductible gift can be given to Family Life by filling out the form below. May the Lord bless you this Christmas and holiday season as you give generously in helping Family Life “Prepare the Way!”
Merry Christmas,
Rick Snavely
P.S. Please do not give to Family Life what belongs to your local church. This ministry exists to support God’s ordained institution, the local church, and desires for your first fruits to go there.
P.P.S. If you are 70 ½ or older and are required to take a minimum distribution (RMD) from your retirement account, please read over the information below on how you can receive a tax benefit while helping Family Life with your RMD.
What is a “Required Minimum Distribution” (RMD)?
An RMD is a fancy term for the distribution of money the government requires a person 70 ½ or older to withdraw each year from their IRA or 401k. Normally, distributions from your Traditional IRAs are 100% taxable as ordinary income. This additional income can create additional tax on your Social Security benefits, even if you donate the money to charity after you receive it. BUT the good news is that these RMDs also present you with an opportunity. You can take advantage of a provision in the tax code called the Qualified Charitable Distribution and have your RMD sent directly to charity and not have to report the distribution as income on your tax return. Since Family Life is a registered nonprofit, it can receive this tax-free Qualified Charitable Distribution.
If you want to do more with your RMD this year and need help setting up a gift to Family Life, call 800-927-9083, and Family Life will be happy to answer your questions.