RUTH Auditions
Everyone ages 8 and up is invited to come audition for RUTH, an original Sight & Sound Theatres Production!
“RUTH” is a remarkable story of second chances. Based on the beloved book of the Bible, this inspiring musical takes you on a journey alongside Ruth and Naomi, two widows whose faith in God ignited a chain of events that changed the course of history.
Date & Time
Monday, August 14 & Wednesday, August 16
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Family Life in Bath, NY
What You Need to Audition
Auditionees are asked to prepare a 32 bar cut of music that best showcases their voice in a style appropriate for the show. No a cappella please. Bring along sheet music for provided accompanist or a recording.
Please prepare a short (less than one minute) monologue. If you don’t have one, one will be provided for you.
Wear comfortable shoes for a short movement portion
Please bring a headshot and one-page resume if able
Registration is encouraged, but walk-ins are accepted.