Endless Mountain Biker Sunday
New Life Church of Canton, PA hosts the third annual FREE Endless Mountain Biker Sunday, July 9 from 9am-4pm. For more information call 570-220-4546.
The event will include featured speaker, Jeff Stultz, a motorcycle missionary, live music, personal testimonies, biker games and a guided ride through the beautiful endless mountains of Pennsylvania. There will also be a display of amazing vintage Harley Davidson motorcycles courtesy of Vreeland’s Harley Davidson and free food. We want to keep Jesus and bikers as the main focus. We want everyone to know what our Lord and Savior is all about. We also want the non-riding public to meet bikers and know what we are about. Regardless of whether you drive a car (cage) or ride a motorcycle, you are invited to attend this event. This entire free event is made possible by the generous donations of local churches, businesses and individuals.