It has been a major blessing to be able listen to the praise music provided by FamilyLife! The app is such a cool tool for worshiping the Lord our God!!

There are multiple streams to pick from and currently my favorite ones are “Gentle Praise” & “Adoration”.


Family Life has been such a blessing to me. I listened secular music for years and thought that was I had to listen to. Then I went to Kingdom Bound in 2009 and I found out about Family Life and it was in my area too. I found the music to be much more inspiring than mainstream top 40 music. Then in 2015, I decided to become a part of the listener advisory panel which is my favorite part of the ministry because it gives me the opportunity to provide feedback. Then in 2016 God really opened the door for me to get involved in Family Life. I was invited to one of the vision team meetings from being on the listener advisory panel and I decided to step out of my comfort and travel out to Bath from the Binghamton area. I loved it because I got in depth tour of the Family Life facility and meet some of the staff members. It was a few days after that Go laid it on my heart to volunteer at the Fall 2016 sharathon and I started doing other events as well and its been such a blast. I’ve volunteered four sharathons already and want to do more in the future and I also started supporting the ministry financially. I also started texting the studio and talk to Sonny in the afternoon frequently and then when I saw him at the Casting Crowns concert in February 2017, he recognized my name and knows me pretty well. Then he knew who I was from then on. Then I met a lot more of the staff last month at the Tenth Avenue North concert and from volunteering the Pirates of Penzance Jr show and many of them had seen me or knew my name including Terese Main. Its been great being a part of this family of listeners and volunteers and I’ve grown tremendously the last two years from investing my time into Family Life. I love what this ministry does and I want to help out even more in the future once I am able to. You guys are such a blessing.
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I started listening to Family Life a few years ago and while it’s always been very uplifting and helpful, it has never been more so than this past month for me. At 27 years old I was in the first real relationship of my life, it only lasted just under 2 months. We’ve been broken up for nearly a month now and I had many low moments. God has used Family Life to lift my spirits and point my focus back on the right things (Himself and His Word). So many songs came on at the right time and so many good words spoken at the right time as well (I especially enjoy Ron Hutchcraft in the mornings and I try to catch Walk in the Word when I can and the other afternoon programs). God is truly using you, believe me. I can’t express how much of a blessing you all have been to me at this time when I have faced confusion and pain. Thank you, thank you, thank you and may God continue to bless all of you personally and in this ministry!
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I first heard you when I returned to the Olean, NY area from Ralston, PA to visit family. Seemed like every third or fourth song was a hymn sung by George Beverly Shea–not my favorite, but I was glad to know the local airwaves had a Christian presence! By the time I returned for good in 2002, your format had been revamped and was quite contemporary. Every song I heard was a delight, and I became acquainted with Chip Ingram and James McDomald. Mornings with John and Denny made me laugh in the midst of a dark and painful time. I’ve been a faithful listener ever since and cannot tell you how many times a song has touched me deeply or a comment or teaching program has inspired, comforted, encouraged, or enlightened me. Your constant presence in my life continues to support and encourage me and remind me that with Christ in my life, I am never alone or without cause for hope. Thank you for your faithful witness, and to God be the glory!
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I never believed in GOD- if I couldn’t see him he wasn’t real. Until March 20, 2018 changed my life. A guy ran a stop sign and hit my SUV sending me into the ditch. A firemen showed and one in particular came over to me and prayed over me. Every fire fighter told me if I was 2 seconds later I would have been critically injured. (The guy hit my driver front fender.) I told my church friends that Sunday. It took me a few weeks, but when they asked if anyone wanted Jesus into their heart to raise their hand. So I did.
Since then I have been listening to your station on my way to work starting at 6am and on my way home around 3pm. When I hear my favorite songs I blast my radio. I play my favorites at home and work. I enjoy listening to the hosts. They make me laugh, cry and all around feel good. Your radio station has brought me joy through the tough times in my life. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for everything you guys do
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I knew exactly where and how I would end it all. I had planned it out for some time. My life basically meant nothing at all to me and I knew the best thing for everyone if I were gone. Something made me stop and think of praying. Something took hold of me and I asked God to help me. I had no clue what it was or why, but I remember telling God that if he would get me through this dark time, I would give my life to him. It wasn’t easy. My old bad habits of judging others and being angry were difficult to cast aside. I returned to the same church my daughter had begged me to attend. I kept going and I would cry during songs, I would take notes during the sermon. Each Sunday, the pastor spoke directly to me. I promised myself that I would continue to be the best person I could be. God brought me through my dark time. I continue to keep my promise to him. On July 15 I was baptized. To my utter surprise, my spouse joined me. I have asked God to take over my life and a weight has been lifted. I have made amends with my father after 11 years and my brother as well. These are two of the most precious gifts God has put back into my life. Every single day I pray for the courage to continue down this righteous path of discovery of all of God’s plans for me.
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